SmartSync/DCP Installation Guide
3780Link Client Application Program
For those of you who wish to incorporate 3780 emulation into your own
applications, 3780Link SO may be used as a server application. (In fact, the
3780Link GUI program uses 3780Link SO in this manner.) Two example
programs, a fully functional one written in C and C++, and a very simple one
written using Microsoft FoxPro, are included with 3780Link. The FoxPro
program, “client.prg”, is very simple and will not be discussed here.
The C and C++ client sample, named client, was written using Microsoft
Visual C++ and the Microsoft Foundation Classes and it utilizes the
Dynamic Data Exchange Management Library (DDEML.) The client
program runs properly when 3780Link SO is executing the “pipe.s” script
file. Studying the source code for this example program provides guidance
in how to write your client application.
The client program provided gives a degree of direct manual control when
used in conjunction with 3780Link SO and the “pipe.s” script file. The
following paragraphs describe the use of the client program.
The client program automatically loads 3780Link SO if it's not already
loaded (using a command line of “w3780so -spipe.s”). You'll see the
following 3780Link SO window appear first on your screen followed by the
client program window: