3780Link for Windows
-b board Board number [1-6]
The -b switch specifies which SmartSync/DCP associated with the BSC
process is to be killed. You must indicate the board number, 1 through 6, as
appropriate. The board number corresponds to the order in which they were
configured. If omitted, the default is board 1.
-p port Port number [1-8]
The -p switch specifies the port associated with the BSC process that is to be
killed. If omitted, the default is port 1.
-m size Maximum size of debug file (kilobytes)
The -m switch changes the default maximum output file size. By default the
debug file is reset when it exceeds 100,000 bytes. To change this default,
specify the maximum file size in kilobytes (1,024 bytes). For example, -m50
establishes the maximum file size to be 50K bytes.
-s Silent mode
The -s switch prevents Dcpdebug from echoing debug messages to the screen.
If the message “DEBUG TRACKING MESSAGES LOST” appears on the
screen or in your debug output file when running Dcpdebug, use silent mode.
Silent mode may also be entered by unchecking the “Echo to Screen” menu
item under the “Options” menu.
-l Priority mode
The -l switch causes Dcpdebug to run at a higher priority level. If the
message “DEBUG TRACKING MESSAGES LOST” appears on the screen
or in your debug output file when running Dcpdebug, first try using silent
mode. If silent mode does not prevent the messages from appearing, use
priority mode. When using priority mode, be sure to run Dcpdebug in the
background to lessen the effect on other running processes.