3780Link for Windows
-s Silent mode
The -s switch prevents Dcptrace from echoing debug messages to the screen.
To lessen the impact on other processes when running Dcptrace, use silent
mode. Silent mode may also be entered by unchecking the “Echo to Screen”
menu item under the “Options” menu.
KILLBSC −− Kill BSC Protocol Task Program
This program is used to terminate BSC processes running in the
SmartSync/DCP. You should not need to use Killbsc during normal
operation. However, if 3780Link terminates abnormally, you may have to
run Killbsc to set the corresponding BSC process to the “Not Running” state
before running it again. The optional command line switches for Killbsc are
described below.
-f Forced kill
The -f switch may be used to force the termination of a BSC process when it
is not “Running in IDLE State”.
-b board Board number [1-6]
The -b switch specifies which SmartSync/DCP associated with the BSC
process is to be killed. You must indicate the board number, 1 through 6, as
appropriate. The board number corresponds to the order in which they were
configured. If omitted, the default is board 1.
-p port Port number [1-8]
The -p switch specifies the port associated with the BSC process that is to be
killed. If omitted, the default is port 1.
-s Silent mode
The -s switch enables the silent mode that suppresses all output to the
terminal with the exception of error messages.