Tungsten™ E2 Handheld 149
adding tasks 67
additional information for 70
icon 5
list 68
marking completed tasks 69
opening 67
overview 66
saving information in 67
securing contents 70
setting display options for 68
technical assistance 24, 47, 65, 109
telephone numbers. See phone numbers
adjusting fade setting for 121
changing fonts for 119
cutting and pasting 74
entering 17, 19, 125
resizing 73
text messages
additional information for 37
creating 37
deleting 96
managing 5
opening 95
sending 80, 84, 93, 94
setting preferences for 96
viewing 95
third-party applications 126
thumbnails 54
TIFF files
formatting 125
reserving blocks of 43
scheduling 40
setting 42, 116–117
To Do lists. See tasks
aligning screen 122
defined 122
tracking completion dates 70
applications 7
wirelessly 80
transferring files 100
transferring information 27
troubleshooting 122, 126, 131
trusted pairs 80, 84
turning handheld on and off 3, 118
Tutorial 9
uniform resource locators (URLs) 98
unread mail 109
untimed events 34, 40
updating information 25, 26
upgrading 126
URLs 98
USB sync cable 28
User Guide 24
Bluetooth 85
finding in email addresses 102
multiple users 27
synchronize 28
VersaMail application
adding attachments 108
additional information for 109
benefits of 100
downloading attachments 106
getting email 104
opening 101
sending email 105
setting up email accounts 101–103
software 8
copying 54
deleting 54
displaying 54
view formats 43
application icons 127
current time and date 2
images 49
items in lists 13, 15
memos 73
notes 77
PDF files 9
personal calendars 38
photos 49, 54
schedules 41
tasks 68, 70
videos 54
web pages 98
views in Calendar 41
virtual private networks 9, 109
volume 123
VPN Link
warnings 134
warranty 130
web addresses 98
web browser