Tungsten™ E2 Handheld 142
attaching photos to 54
attaching tasks to 70
automatically checking for 104
automatically retrieving 109
changing maximum size 104
composing 105
deleting accounts for 109
downloading 104
downloading attachments 106
receiving 86, 92, 102
sending 86, 92, 102, 105
setting preferences for 109
synchronizing 102, 104, 109
email providers. See ISP
enhancing photos and videos 54
information 3, 17–21, 24, 125
passwords 85, 102
URLs 98
moving around in 15
sorting 37, 74, 78
entry screens 14, 15
eraser 76
ESD (electrostatic discharge) 136
Essential Software option 7
Event Details dialog box 42
See also appointments
adding notes for 43
categorizing 43
contact information and 34
creating recurring 42, 43
defined 39
entering 40
setting alarms for 42
sharing 43
creating and viewing files 45
files 26, 100
on handheld 5
applications 24, 114
event entries 43
expansion cards 114
files 80
information 3, 24
memos 74
notes from Note Pad 78
task entries 70
expansion card slot 3, 128
expansion cards
adding applications to 7, 114
additional information for 114
benefits of 111
deleting applications from 114
deleting songs on 65
displaying contents of 114
dummy card 112
inserting 3, 113
naming 114
overview 110
preventing damage to 112
removing 112
saving multimedia files on 49, 54
transferring audio files to 56–63
types of 111
Expense icon 6
fade setting 121
FAQs 126
Favorites View
adding background to 121
changing entries 124
defined 5
moving around 12
using 10
using the 5-way 12
FCC Statement 132
features of handheld 1
file linking 31
file transfers 99
file types 49, 56
attaching to email 108
deleting 114
removing from expansion cards 114
sharing 80
transferring to handheld 100
filing appointments 40
finding contacts 35
font styles 119, 120
changing 119–120
customizing email 109
audio files 55
multimedia file types 49
setting 125
formatting information 125
freehand drawing 75
frequently asked questions 126
frozen screen 4,
129, 131