Tungsten™ E2 Handheld 138
* (asterisk) characters 33
; (semicolon) characters 105
5-way navigator 2, 11, 12, 14–16
AC charger 4
applications 127
email account 8
email accounts 84, 86, 90
information 12
web pages 98, 99
websites 80, 86, 97
accessories 111
Account Setup screen 101
Accounts command 104
applications 26, 27, 31
contacts 33, 35
email messages 105
events 39
expansion cards 111
memos 71, 72, 73
notes 76
reminders 34, 75
tasks 66, 67
Addit software 9
Additional Software option 7
add-on applications 27, 126
addresses. See contacts
email 37
, 105
text messages 94
adjusting speaker volume 123
Adobe Acrobat Reader 9
agenda lists. See Calendar application
Agenda View (Calendar) 41
alarm clock 42
Alarm Sound pick list 123
See also reminders
adjusting volume for 123
attaching to notes 76
customizing 43
incoming messages and 96
selecting sounds for 42, 70
setting 42, 67, 70, 78
additional information for 54
creating 51
moving photos in 52
selecting 52
alerts. See alarms
aligning screen 122
anniversaries 40
application buttons, location of 2
application icons 127
accessing 127
adding contact information to 35
additional information for 24, 114
copying 114
deleting 24, 114
displaying list of
exchanging 24, 114
installing 7, 26, 27, 31
opening 10, 125
preinstalled 5
setting local preferences for 116
soft resets and 129
storing on expansion cards 114
transferring information from 27
transferring third-party 126
transferring to handheld 7
troubleshooting 127, 131
Applications View
adding background to 121
displaying application list for 5
displaying icons in 127
moving around in 13
opening applications in 11
using 11
using the 5-way 13
See also Calendar application; events
adding notes to 43
checking 41
color-coding 40, 43
combining tasks with 38
creating recurring 43
deleting 43
filing 40
repeating 42
scheduling 39
setting duration of 40
ASF media files 49
asterisk (*) characters 33
adding 108
downloading 106
sending events as 37, 43
sending files as 108