Tungsten™ E2 Handheld 139
sending memos as 74
sending multimedia files as 54
sending notes as 78
sending tasks as 70
Attachments screen 108
Audible Player software 8
applications 3
files 56–58
auto-off interval 125, 128
back panel controls 4
changing 76
customizing 121
backing up information. See synchronizing
cautions for 134
charging 23, 127
conserving power for 118
extending life of 115, 128
battery icon 127
Beam Category command 67
Beam Contact command 36
Beam Item command 67
Beam Status dialog box 36
beaming 3, 24, 36, 131
birthdays 34
Blazer application. See web browser
blinking cursor 18
Access Points 92
icon 5
LAN Access Points 80
radio 4
Bluetooth application
additional information for 92
computer setup options for 88
features 80
opening 81, 82, 86, 88
setting connection information 81
setting up connections 82
Bluetooth devices
built-in software for 5
connecting to 80
sending applications to 24, 114
sending entries to 24, 114
sending events to 43
sending memos to 74
sending notes to 78
sending task entries to 70
setting up 81
synchronizing with 31
turning off 128
verifying status of 86
Bluetooth™ technology 79, 80
BMP files 49
bold fonts 120
bookmarks 99
brightness control 2
Brightness icon 2
browsing the web 5, 86, 97
built-in applications 5
Business Card command 36
business cards 36
activating 15
back panel 4
locking 118
navigator 12
reassigning application 125
selecting dialog box 15
calculator 9
Calculator icon 6
color-coding appointments 40, 43
formatting 125
selecting dates on 67
Calendar application
additional information for 43
benefits of 38
checking schedules in 41
customizing 121
entering birthdays for 34
opening 5, 39
scheduling appointments in 39–40
setting alarms 42
Calendar icon 5
calendar views 41
calibration 122
canceled actions 15
capitalization 72
Card Info application 6, 114
card readers 56, 58
contacts 37
events 43
information 24, 40
memos 74
notes in Note Pad 78
tasks 68
CDs 59