GS700TS Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
Introduction to the Web Browser Interface 2-4
v1.0, June 2009
Informational Services
Informational services provide access to technical support, online help and device information and
are displayed in the following topics:
• “Help Navigation Tab”
• “Accessing Device Information”
Help Navigation Tab
The Help Navigation Tab provides access to informational services including NETGEAR online
support and an online user guide in PDF format. For a detailed description of how to access and
use these functions, see Chapter 9, “Online Help”.
Accessing Device Information
Each screen of the web browser interface contains a help file with configuration information
relating to the selected screen.
To access the help file for a screen:
1. Click the encircled red Question Mark icon, shown in the example below.
CLEAR ALL Refreshes device information.
CLEAR ALL COUNTERS Resets statistics counters.
CLEAR LOGS Clears logs.
CURRENT MEMBERS Displays current members of a LAG.
DELETE Deletes information from tables or information windows.
GO Selects the specified interface.
REFRESH Refreshes the screen with current data.
TAGGED PORT MEMBERS Displays tagged port members of a VLAN.
TEST Tests copper cables.
UNTAGGED PORT MEMBERS Displays untagged port members of a VLAN.
Table 2-1. Device Management Buttons
Button Name Description