GS700TS Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
6-12 Managing Security
v1.0, June 2009
• Authentication Method – Enter the authentication method used for port authentication.
The possible field values are:
– RADIUS, None – Indicates port authentication is first attempted through the RADIUS
server. If the RADIUS server is inaccessible or not defined, then no authentication
method (None) is used and the session is permitted.
– RADIUS – Indicates port authentication is through the RADIUS server.
– None – Indicates no authentication method is used to authenticate the port.
• Guest VLAN – Enter whether the Guest VLAN is enabled on the device. The possible
field values are:
– Disable – Disables Guest VLAN on the device. This is the default value.
– Enable – Enables using a Guest VLAN for unauthorized ports. If a Guest VLAN is
enabled, the unauthorized port automatically joins the VLAN selected in the VLAN
List field.
• Guest VLAN ID – Select the guest VLAN ID from the list of currently defined VLANs.
• EAPOL Handling – Select the method of handling EAPOL (Extensible Authentication
Protocol Over LAN) packets when 802.1x authentication is disabled. The possible field
values are:
– Filtering – Indicates EAPOL packets are filtered.
– Flooding – Indicates EAPOL packets are flooded to all ports.
2. Select Disable or Enable for the Port Based Authentication State in the provided field.
3. If you selected Enable for the Port Based Authentication State, then select the
Authentication Method from the list in the provided field.
4. Select Disable or Enable for the Guest VLAN status in the provided field.
5. If you selected Enable for the Guest VLAN field, then select the VLAN ID from the list in the
provided field.
6. If you selected Disable for the Port Based Authentication State, select the EAPOL
Handling mode in the provided field.
7. Click APPLY to update the device.
Port Authentication
The Port Authentication screen enables configuring port authentication interface parameters.