GS700TS Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
Configuring Switching Settings 4-42
v1.0, June 2009
– Listening — Indicates that the port is in Listening mode. The port cannot forward
traffic nor can it learn MAC addresses.
– Learning — Indicates that the port is in Learning mode. The port cannot forward
traffic, however it can learn new MAC addresses.
– Forwarding — Indicates that the port is in Forwarding mode. The port can forward
traffic and learn new MAC addresses.
– Broken — Indicates that the port is currently in the Broken mode as the bridge
detected a malfunction. The port cannot forward traffic nor can it learn MAC
•Port Role – Indicates the port role assigned by the STP algorithm to provide to STP paths.
The possible field values are:
– Root – Provides the lowest cost path to forward packets to the root device.
– Designated – Indicates the port or LAG through which the designated device is
attached to the LAN.
– Alternate – Provides an alternate path to the root device from the root interface.
– Backup – Provides a backup path to the designated port path toward the Spanning
Tree leaves. Backup ports occur only when two ports are connected in a loop by a
point-to-point link or when a LAN has two or more connections connected to a shared
– Disabled – Indicates the port is not participating in the Spanning Tree.
– Master – Indicates the port provides connectivity from the MSTP region to the
outlying CIST root.
• Designated Cost – Indicates that the default path cost is assigned according to the method
selected on the STP Configuration screen.
•Designated Bridge – Displays the ID of the bridge that connects the link or shared LAN
to the root.
• Designated Port – Displays the ID of the port on the designated bridge that connects the
link or the shared LAN to the root.
2. Select an MST to be displayed
3. Enter or modify Port Priority and Port Path Cost fields in the first row.
4. Click APPLY to update the device.