GS700TS Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
Configuring QoS 5-8
v1.0, June 2009
CoS to Queue Mapping
The CoS to Queue Mapping screen contains fields for mapping CoS values to traffic queues.
To map CoS values to queues:
1. Click QoS > CoS> Advanced > CoS to Queue Mapping. The CoS to Queue Mapping screen
The CoS to Queue Mapping screen contains the following fields:
CoS to Queue Mapping
• CoS – Displays the CoS priority tag values, where 0 is the lowest and 7 is the highest.
• Queue – Select the traffic forwarding queue to which the CoS priority is mapped. Four
traffic priority queues are supported (Lowest, Low, Normal and High). The High Queue is
reserved for special traffic and is not recommended for use.
Restore Default Mapping
• Restore Defaults – Restore the device factory defaults for mapping CoS values to a
forwarding queue. The possible field values are:
– Checked – Restores the factory default settings for mapping CoS values to a
forwarding queue.
– Unchecked – Maintains the current CoS queue mapping settings.
2. Select the Queue values for each CoS value in the provided fields.
3. Check or uncheck the Restore Defaults box in the provided field.
Figure 5-5