GS108T Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
Monitoring, Maintenance, and Help 6-3
v1.0, December 2007
2. Under Port Selection, select a port from the Port drop-down list.
3. Click Apply.
Under Statistics, the following information is shown for the selected port:
• TX statistics for packets transmitted from the port:
– Bytes. Shows the number of transmitted bytes.
– UnicastPkts. Shows the number of transmitted unicast packets.
– MulticastPkts. Shows the number of transmitted multicast packets.
– BroadcastPkts. Shows the number of transmitted broadcast packets.
– Discards. Shows the number of discarded packets.
– Errors. Shows the number of excessive collision packets.
– Collision. Shows the number of collision packets.
– RX statistics for packets received on the port:
– Bytes. Shows the number of received bytes.
– UnicastPkts. Shows the number of received unicast packets.
– MulticastPkts. Shows the number of received multicast packets.
– BroadcastPkts. Shows the number of received broadcast packets.
– Discards. Shows the number of discarded packets.
– Errors. Shows the number of undersized packets, fragmented packets, packets with
an invalid frame check sequence (FCS), and oversized packets with a proper FCS.
– UndersizePkts. Shows the number of received packets with a length less than the
minimum packet size.
– OversizePkts. Shows the number of received packets with a length more than the
maximum packet size.
– Fragments. Shows the number of received packets (length 10–63 bytes) with an
invalid FCS or alignment error.
– Jabbers. Shows the number of received packets with an invalid FCS or code error that
exceed the maximum counter size up to the maximum received frame length.
– CRCAlignErr. Shows the number of received packets with an invalid FCS for which
the lengths are between 64 bytes and the maximum counter size.
– 64 BytePkts. Shows the number of transmitted packets with a packet length less than
or equal to 64
– 65 to 127 BytePkts. Shows the number of transmitted packets with a packet length
between (and including) 65 and 127 bytes.