GS108T Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
Monitoring, Maintenance, and Help 6-9
v1.0, December 2007
Logs are used to record various events in the system. The Log menu lets you display memory,
flash, and server logs, and lets you configure what type of events are logged. Three types of media
are provided for saving the logs:
• The RAM medium uses a fixed block of memory to store logs. This medium is volatile, that is,
the logs are cleared after a system reboot.
• The flash medium uses one or more sectors of flash memory to store logs. This medium is
nonvolatile but relatively slow.
• The server medium is a remote host with a BSD syslogd compliant daemon running. This
medium uses the User Datagram Protocol (UDP) to send log messages to the remote server.
The Configuration screen, also referred to as the Logs Configuration screen, lets you control how
many and what type of log messages are recorded for the RAM and flash logs for later reference.
“Server Logs” on page 6-13 for information about how to configure the server logs. To specify
the log configuration:
1. Select Monitoring > Log > Configuration. A screen similar to the following displays.
Figure 6-6