GS108T Smart Switch Software Administration Manual
Configuring QoS and Security 5-21
v1.0, December 2007
Trusted MAC
A trusted MAC address protects the switch from an untrusted intruder that attempts to invade the
system. Only the source address (SA) of the packet in the trusted MAC table can be switched to
the destination port. You can add a total of 100 trusted MAC addresses. MAC addresses are port
based. All source MAC addresses are trusted when the Trusted MAC list is empty.
The filter settings that determine whether a source MAC address is trusted depend on the VLAN
• When the VLAN is in IEEE 802.1Q mode (see “IEEE 802.1Q VLANs” on page 4-9), the filter
settings are the port, VLAN ID, and source MAC address.
• When the VLAN is in port-based mode (see “Port-based VLANs” on page 4-9), the filter
settings are the port and source MAC address.
To configure trusted MAC addresses:
1. Select Security > Access > Trusted MAC. A screen similar to the following one displays.
2. The following fields are displayed. Except for the ID fields, all fields are configurable:
• ID. Shows the identifier for the MAC address.
• Interface. Specifies the interface to which the MAC address is assigned. Select an
interface from the drop-down list.
• MAC Address. Specifies the trusted MAC address. Enter a MAC address in the
XX:XX:XX:XX:XX:XX format.
• VLAN ID. Specifies the VLAN ID to which the MAC address is assigned. Select a VLAN
ID from the drop-down list. This field is configurable only when the VLAN is in
802.1Q mode.
Figure 5-14