v1.0, December 2007
Chapter 2
Introduction to the Web Browser Interface
This section introduces the browser interface that lets you configure and manage your NETGEAR
GS108T Gigabit Smart Switch. Your GS108T Smart Switch provides a built-in browser interface
that lets you configure and manage it remotely using a standard Web browser such as Microsoft
Internet Explorer or Netscape Navigator. Online help is also provided for many of the basic
functions and features of the switch.
This section introduces the areas of the browser interface and includes the following topics:
• “Logging In to the NETGEAR Home Page”
• “Navigation Tabs”
Logging In to the NETGEAR Home Page
Begin your overview of the GS108T Smart Switch browser interface by logging in:
1. Start the application, either through the Smart Wizard Discovery utility or directly by entering
the switch’s IP address, as described in
Chapter 1, “Getting Started with Switch Management.”
2. Press Enter. The Login screen displays.
Note: When a screen displays, click the help icon for additional information about
the screen settings.