Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 Product Guide IPS Policies
IPS Rules policy details
Enabling and disabling exception rules
Instead of deleting exceptions not in use, you can disable them temporarily and later
enable them to put them into effect.
To disable/enable an exception:
On the Exception Rules tab, select a rule and click Disable/Enable on the shortcut menu
or toolbar.
The status of the selected exception changes accordingly.
Deleting exception rules
To permanently delete an exception, select it on the Exception Rules tab, and then click
Delete on the shortcut menu or toolbar. The exception is removed from the Exceptions
Moving exception rules to another policy
You can easily move an exception from one policy to another from the Exception Rules
To move an exception rule to another policy:
1 Select the exception rule you want to move and click
Move to Another Policy on the
shortcut menu or the toolbar.
2 In the Select Policy list, select the policy and click OK.
A copy of the exception rule appears in the selected policy.