Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 Product Guide Host Intrusion Prevention Client
Windows client
To set IPS logging options:
1 Select the IPS
Enable Logging checkbox.
2 Select the message type (All or a combination of Information, Warning, Debug, Error,
Security Violations).
At a minimum, you must select Error and Security Violations.
3 Click
The information is written to the CSlog.txt file in the Program Files\McAfee\Host
Intrusion Prevention
To set Firewall logging options:
1 Select the Firewall Enable Logging checkbox.
2 Select the message type (All or a combination of
Information, Warning, Error, Kernel).
3 Click
The information is written to the FireSvc.dbg file in the Program
Files\McAfee\Host Intrusion Prevention
Host IPS engines
As part of troubleshooting, you can also disable engines that protect a client. McAfee
recommends that only administrators in communication with McAfee support use this
troubleshooting procedure.
For access, click
Functionality in the Troubleshooting Options dialog box. In the HIPS Engines
dialog box that appears, disable one or more client system engines by deselecting the
checkbox next to the engine. After the problem has been resolved, and to return to a
normal operating environment, be sure all engines are selected.
Figure 9-1 Troubleshooting Options