Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 Product Guide Writing Custom Signatures
Windows Custom Signatures
Note 3
A maximum length restriction can be defined for the sections “url” and “query”. By
adding “
;number-of-chars” to the value of these sections, the rule can only match if
the {url} or {query} have more characters than “number-of-chars”. For example, the
following rule will match if the url part of the request contains “abc” and the url part of
the request has over 500 characters:
Rule {
Class Isapi
Id 4001
level 1
url { Include “*abc*;500” }
time { Include “*” }
application { Include “*”}
user_name { Include “*” }
directives -c -d isapi:request}
Note 4
A rule needs to contain at least one of the optional sections url, query, method.
Advanced Details
Some or all of the following parameters appear in the Advanced Details tab of security
events for the class Isapi. The values of these parameters can help you understand why
a signature is triggered.
The following rule would prevent a request to the web server that has “subject” in the
query part of the http request:
GUI name explanation
url Decoded and normalized location part of an incoming HTTP request
(the part before the ‘?’).
query Decoded and normalized query part of an incoming HTTP request
(the part after the first ‘?’).
web server type Type and version of the Web server application used.
method Method of the incoming HTTP request (such as Get, Put, Post,
Query, etc.).
local file Physical name of the file that is retrieved or attempted to be
retrieved by the request. Decoded and normalized under IIS.
raw url “Raw” (undecoded and not normalized) Request Line of the
incoming HTTP request. Request Line is “<method>
<location[?query]> <http version> CRLF”.
user User name of the client making the request; only available if the
request is authenticated.
source Client name or IP address of the computer where the HTTP request
server Information about the Web server where the event is created (that’s
the machine where the client is installed) in the manner <host
name>:<IP address>:<port>. The host name is the host variable
from the HTTP header; it is left blank if not available.
content len Number of bytes in the body of the message part of the query.