Host Intrusion Prevention 6.1 Product Guide Writing Custom Signatures
Summary of parameters and directives
Summary of parameters and directives
The following is a summary of parameters and directives according to type.
List of parameters according to type
List of directives according to type
Type Parameters
Files, Windows Platform Application, Destination File, Files, User Name
HTTP, Windows
Application, Method, Query, URL, User Name
Files, Solaris and Linux
Application, Source, Files, User Name
Registry Application, Registry Key, User Name, Registry Value
Services Application, Display Name, Service, User Name
Apache, Solaris Platform Application, URL, Query, Method, User Name
Type Directives
Files, Windows Platform create, read, write, execute, delete, rename, attribute
HTTP, Windows
Files, Solaris Platform create, symlink, link, chown, chmod, write, rmdir, chdir, read,
unlink, mkdir, rename
Files, Linux Platform create, link, setattr, write, rmdir, read, unlink, mkdir, rename
Registry create, read, delete, modify, permissions, enumerate, monitor,
restore, replace, load
Services start, stop, pause, continue, startup, profile_enable,
profile_disable, logon, create, delete
Apache, Solaris Platform request