A Simple Battery Usage Routine
A Simple Battery Usage Routine
A color coding routine used for alargeor small operation that uses the same kind of battery in all mobile devices:
1. Color code all batteries by shift:
1. Shift 1 Blue
2. Shift 2 Red
3. Shift 3 Green
2. Charge all batteries according to color. For example, all blue coded batteries should be chargedduring shifts 2 and3.
3. Users place all used batteries into battery chargers at the end of every shift.
4. Designate a specific time to analyze each group of color codedbatteries.
5. Track battery capacity readings by recording the date of last chargefor each battery on the label (or log sheet).
Sample Log for Battery Maintenance
MX7 Main Battery
Charger/Analyzer (MX7) Multi-Charger Plus
Charger Identification (Serial Number)
Placedin Service (Date)
Battery Type Lithium Ion 2200mAh
PowerSource AC poweradapter
Battery Serial Number
Mfr Date on Battery
Shift Date Charged Date Analyzed Final Capacity Reading
E-EQ-MX7CHGROG-E-ARC [ 16 ] MX7 Battery Multi-Charger/AnalyzerUser Guide