Interpreting the ChargingPocket LEDs
Interpreting the Charging Pocket LEDs
The status of the charge operation is indicated by thecolor of the LED for each charging pocket.
RED Continuous - on any charge pocket
l Continuous red means the battery pack is charging.
RED FLASHING - on any charge pocket
l Battery pack fault orfailure.
l Battery analyzer timeout period expired.
RED FLASHING - on all charge pockets
l Battery chargerfault or failure.
l Battery analyzer fault orfailure.
GREEN - on any charge pocket
l Continuous greenmeans thebattery pack charge is complete - Battery is Ready.
YELLOW - on any charge pocket
l Continuous yellow / amber means the battery pack temperatureis out of range. The charging pocket is instandby mode
while thepocket waits forthe battery pack to warm up or cool down.
NO LIGHT - on any charge pocket
l No light on acharge pocket means there is no battery pack installed
l or the battery pack inthe pocket is not fully inserted
l or adefective ordamaged battery pack is installed
l or the chargeris defective or damaged. Refer to Troubleshooting.
NO LIGHT - on all charge pockets
l No light means there is no AC power available to the Multi-Charger or thereis power but there are nobatteries in any
charging bay.
Charge Timer
The battery pocket timers are dynamic andbased uponthe capacity of the battery pack. There is atimeout period for the soft
start and another timeout periodfor the overall time required to chargethe battery to full capacity. The pocket’s LED flashes red
when the charging pocket timeout periodhas expired.
E-EQ-MX7CHGROG-E-ARC [ 7 ] MX7 Battery Multi-Charger/AnalyzerUser Guide