If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
"B64?"<A6B?AHG;BE<M87<8?7)8EI<6846<?<GL for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
Error Codes for the Power Wave 455: Code 10555 and below
$BG8For any Err # listed below write down the error number for reference and try cycling power to see if the
error clears itself. If not, refer to the What to Do column for the given Err.
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Display shows any of the following:
Microprocessor RAM error in Control
Microprocessor RAM Error in object
board other than Control Box (Such
as feed head)
Appears on right display of CB mod-
ule that contains the status LED
Turn Power off at power source.
Wait 5 seconds. Turn power back
on. If Err 211 is displayed again,
then replace CB mother PC board.
Cycle power as in Err 211. If Err 212
is still displayed, then replace the PC
board in the object with the fault. The
object with the fault should be solid
red on its status LED.
This is an indication that a constant
current such as stick or gauge mode
has been selected. Turning the right
encoder clockwise when in this state
will activate output to Power Source.
Turning the right encoder counter-
clockwise will deactivate output.