Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
"B64?"<A6B?AHG;BE<M87<8?7)8EI<6846<?<GL for technical troubleshooting assistance before you proceed.
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Speed does not change when weld
current flows. Status lights are solid
Voltmeter and/or ammeter do not
function properly even though status
lights are solid green. Welding may
vary from normal procedure.
Purge switch on feed head does not
activate solenoid but trigger closure
in MIG or pulse modes does.
Cold feed switch does not activate
the motor but trigger does in MIG or
Pulse modes. LEDs are solid green
on both control board and feed head
1. Run-in and weld speeds are set to
the same value.
2. Possible problem with current
sensor electronics in power
source. Check power source man-
ual to trouble shoot current sensor
1. 67 and/or 21 voltage sense leads
may have intermittent or poor con-
nections. Check.
2. Possible problem with power
source electronics.
1. Defective gas purge switch or
feed head board. Check continuity
with gas purge switch held down
across J1 pins 3 and 5. Release
purge switch and note there
should be no continuity now. If
either of these fail, the problem is
either in the gas purge switch or
harnessing. If no failure, replace
feed head board.
1. Defective cold feed switch or feed
head PC board. Check continuity
with cold feed switch held up
across plug pins 3 and 4 of J1.
Release the cold inch switch and
note that there should be no conti-
nuity now. If either of these fail,
the problem is either in the purge
switch or harnessing. If continuity
O.K., replace feed head board.
If all recommended possible areas of
misadjustment have been checked
and the problem persists, BAG46G