Observe all Safety Guidelines detailed throughout this manual
If for any reason you do not understand the test procedures or are unable to perform the tests/repairs safely, contact your
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Variable or “hunting” arc.
Poor arc striking with sticking or
“blast-offs”, weld porosity, narrow
and ropy looking bead, or electrode
stubbing into plate while welding.
1. Wrong size, worn and/or melted
contact tip. - Replace if neces-
2. Improper Drive Tension.
3. Worn work cable or poor work
connection. - Replace if neces-
4 Loose electrode or work cable
5. Wrong polarity. - Make sure elec-
trode polarity is correct for
process being used.
6. Gas nozzle extended beyond gun
tip or wire stickout too long while
7. Poor gas shielding on processes
requiring gas. - Check gas flow
and mixture.
1. Improper procedures or tech-
niques. - See “Gas Metal Arc
Welding Guide” (GS-100).
2. Improper gas shielding - Clean
gas nozzle. Make certain that gas
diffuser is not empty or turned off.
Make certain gas flow rate is
3. Remove gun liner and check rub-
ber seal for any sign of deteriora-
tion or damage. Be sure set
screw in connector block is in
place and tightened against the
liner bushing.
4. Improper gear box ratio configura-
5. Power Source calibration issues.
If all recommended possible areas of
misadjustment have been checked
and the problem persists, BAG46G