Electrode AWS Recm’d General
Name Class Polarity Description
Steel – Carbon & Low Alloy
Fast Freeze, Out-of-Position, Mild Steel Stick Electrodes
35 E6011 AC Operators consistently give this electrode high marks. This quality Lincoln
DC± product is a proven performer for sheet metal welding applications and AC
pipe welding. Fleetweld 35 is a great electrode to use on jobs where the
steel isn’t clean.
35LS E6011 AC Specifically designed for making tack welds under Innershield
deposits. Use
DC± Fleetweld
35LS with confidence on plated, dirty, painted, or greasy steel. It’s
an outstanding stick choice for AC pipe welding, for applications that require
deep penetration, and in jobs where x-ray quality welds are required.
180 E6011 AC Got a small AC welder? Here’s your electrode! Fleetweld
180 offers excellent
DC± arc stability for excellent performance with power sources as low as 50V open-
circuit voltage (OCV). A great stick electrode with the ability to start easily on
low open circuit voltage welders.
22 E6022 DC+ Developed specifically for floor decking and other applications where burn-
AC through spot welding on sheet metal is required. Fleetweld
22 is great for
galvanized or plated sheet steel, as well as on steel that is painted or dirty.
Fast Freeze, High Deposition, Mild Steel Stick Electrode
1 E7024-1 AC When the project involves large welds, you can’t pick a more user-friendly
DC± electrode! Operators appreciate Jetweld
1’s smooth bead and high deposition
rates. A great general purpose electrode for single or multi-pass applications.
2 E6027 AC When the job demands x-ray quality welds, high deposition rates, and excellent
DC± wash-in, reach for Jetweld
2. We’ve designed Jetweld
2 for peak performance
on multiple pass welds, and fast-fill single pass welds.
Fast Freeze, High Speed, Mild Steel Stick Electrodes
7 E6012 DC- Got a variety of jobs that a single all-position electrode has to handle? Choose
AC Lincoln Electric’s Fleetweld
7. This versatile, high-speed electrode is a real
workhorse on sheet metal lap joints and fillet welds. It’s also a great choice
for poor fit-up welding jobs.
Diameter Package Product
inches Weight Lbs. Number
3/32 30CT (10EO) ED032567
1/8 30CT (10EO) ED032568
5/32 30CT (10EO) ED032569
3/32 50CT ED028152
1/8 50CT ED028153
5/32 50CT ED028154
3/16 50CT ED028155
7/32 50CT ED032301
1/4 50CT ED028157
1/8 50CT ED028158
5/32 50CT ED028159
3/32 6CT (1TB) ED031152
1/8 6CT (1TB) ED031722
5/32 6CT (1TB) ED031723
3/32 20CT (5CT) ED030562
1/8 20CT (5CT) ED030563
5/32 20CT (5CT) ED031724
1/8 30CT (10EO) ED032571
3/32 50EO ED010110
1/8 50EO ED010105
5/32 50EO ED010114
1/8 50CT ED021896
5/32 50CT ED021895
1/8 50CT ED010362
5/32 50CT ED010372
3/16 50CT ED010366
7/32 50CT ED010375
1/4 50CT ED010360
5/32 50CT ED010502
3/16 50CT ED010501
1/4 50CT ED010500
1/8 50CT ED010319
5/32 50CT ED010327
3/16 50CT ED010323
7/32 50CT ED010330
1/4 50CT ED010315
Stick Electrode
Package Code Key: CT = Cardboard Carton EO = Easy Open Hermetic Can TB = Tube