Electrode AWS Recm’d General
Name Class Shielding Gas Description
Mild Steel Flux-Cored Wires — All Position, con‘t.
E71T-1, 100% CO
or Great feedability sets this electrode apart. Outershield
71-M has
71M E71T-9 75-80% Argon amazing out-of-position puddle control with high deposition rates.
with a balance Good for structural steel and railcar applications.
of CO
Low Alloy Flux-Cored Wires
E81T1-Ni1MJ H8 75-82% Argon For color match on weathering steels. We designed the Outershield
81Ni1-H with a balance 81Ni1-H to deliver x-ray clear deposits with high impact values at low
of CO
temperatures, in both as-welded and stress relieved conditions.
It’s an excellent choice when welding in petrochemical plants, or on
A588 steels, where color matching is required. Can replace E8018-C3
stick electrode for added efficiency.
E81T1-K2M H8 75-82% Argon Superb arc characteristics. Outershield
81K2-H is the best choice for
81K2-H with a balance welding offshore platforms and components. The hydrogen control
of CO
helps to potentially reduce preheat normally used in highly restrained
joints and on crack sensitive steels.
E91T1-K2M H8 75-95% Argon Operators will love this smooth, well-directed spray-type arc.
91K2-H with a balance Outershield
91K2-H offers superior puddle control in all positions,
of CO
virtually effortless slag removal and excellent bead wetting. Plus, in
some instances it can reduce the level of preheat normally used on
crack-sensitive steels. Uses include welding HY-80 and ASTM A710
type steels.
Diameter Package Product
inches Weight Lbs. Number
.035 10SP ED026804
.045 10SP ED020836
.035 25SP ED026805
.045 25SP ED022659
.052 25SP ED022660
1/16 25SP ED022661
.045 33SSP ED030007
.052 33SSP ED030008
1/16 33SSP ED030009
.045 50C ED020844
.052 50C ED020845
1/16 50C ED020846
1/16 300R ED020848
1/16 600R ED020851
.045 500AD (23” dia) ED027364
.052 500AD (23” dia) ED029778
1/16 500AD (23” dia) ED029779
.045 33SP ED031942
1/16 33SP ED031943
.045 33SP ED030942
.045 25SP(VFB) ED030975
.052 25SP(VFB) ED030976
1/16 25SP(VFB) ED030977
Gas-Shielded Flux-Cored Wires
Package Code Key: AD = Accu-Trak
Drum C = Coil CT = Cardboard Carton SP = Plastic Spool SSP = Steel Spool VFB = Vacuum Sealed Foil Bag