Submerged Arc
Electrode AWS General
Name Class Description
Carbon Steel Solid Wire, con’t.
L-S3 EH12K Lincolnweld
L-S3 is a low carbon, high manganese, high silicon wire designed for use
with Lincolnweld 880M or 8500 flux. It produces good low temperature impacts at the
higher deposition rate procedures typically used on offshore drilling platform legs.
Low Alloy Steel Solid Wire
L-70 EA1 Lincolnweld
L-70 is a low carbon, medium manganese, low silicon, 0.50% molybdenum
special purpose submerged arc wire. Use for single or multipass welds
LA-75 ENi1K Lincolnweld
LA-75 is a low carbon, medium manganese, high silicon, nickel bearing (0.95%
nickel), solid wire designed for use with Lincoln’s family of neutral fluxes.
LA-81 EA2TiB Lincolnweld
LA-81 is a low carbon, medium manganese, low silicon, 0.5% molybdenum
submerged arc welding electrode containing small additions of titanium and boron for
extremely high toughness at low temperatures. It is generally used in two pass applications
for arctic grade line pipe.
LA-82 EF2 Lincolnweld
LA-82 is designed especially for pressure vessel applications where a weld
deposit with 80 ksi tensile strength after extended stress relieving is a primary objective.
LA-84 EF3 Lincolnweld
LA-84 is a nickel bearing electrode with 0.5% molybdenum. This wire is used
for higher strength weldements requiring low temperature impact properties.
LA-85 ENi5 Lincolnweld
LA-85 is a nickel bearing wire with 0.2% Mo for use on weathering steels and
applications requiring excellent low temperature impact properties.
LA-90 EA3K Lincolnweld
LA-90 is a low carbon, high manganese, high silicon, 0.50% molybdenum solid
special purpose wire.
LA-92 EB2R Lincolnweld
LA-92 is solid wire designed to be used with semi-basic or highly basic fluxes
for the welding of 1-1/4% Cr - 1/2% Mo steels. These weld deposits are used for high
temperature service applications such as pressure vessels and piping.
LA-93 EB3R Lincolnweld
LA-93 is designed for high temperature applications such as pressure vessels
and piping for 2-1/4% Cr, 1% Mo steels.
LA-100 EM2 Lincolnweld
LA-100 is a low carbon, high manganese wire with nickel and molybdenum,
designed to weld high strength steels such as HY-80 and HSLA-80, as well as for under-
matching on HY-100 and HSLA-100 steels. It is used extensively in naval vessel fabrication
with MIL800-H flux.
Diameter Package Product
in Weight Lbs. Number
1/8 60C ED016767
5/32 60C ED016248
5/32 300D ED030567
5/32 1000D ED029226
3/16 1000D EDS01652
5/64 60C ED012054
1/8 60C ED012051
5/32 60C ED012053
3/16 60C ED012052
1/8 1000D ED021192
5/32 1000D ED021193
3/16 1000D EDS21194
5/64 60C ED011066
3/32 60C ED011064
1/8 60C ED011062
5/32 60C ED011065
5/32 60C ED023163
5/32 1000D EDS31060
3/32 60C EDS30785
1/8 60C ED026958
5/32 60C ED026959
3/32 60C ED031871
3/32 1000D ED031872
3/32 60C ED023166
1/8 60C ED023167
5/32 60C ED023168
3/16 60C ED023169
1/16 60C ED013999
5/64 60C ED011086
3/32 60C ED011084
1/8 60C EDS11083
5/32 60C EDS11085
5/32 1000D EDS01152
3/32 60C EDS30783
1/8 60C EDS26960
5/32 60C EDS26961
3/32 60C EDS30784
1/8 60C EDS26962
5/32 60C EDS26963
1/16 60C ED010996
5/64 60C ED011002
3/32 60C ED010999
1/8 60C ED010998
5/32 60C EDS11001
Package Code Key: C = Coil D = Speed Feed
Drum (wire) or Steel Drum (flux)