Electrode AWS General
Name Class Description
In-Position Welding Wires with No Impact Requirements
E70T-7 Very high deposition rates and fast travel speeds. Welds a wide range of mild steels and
-311 some low alloy steels. Good bead shape and easy slag removal.
E70T-4 Extremely high deposition rate wire designed forautomatic and semiautomatic welding on
NS-3M mild steel and some low alloy steels. Resistant to cracking on high sulfur steel and porosity
on mildly rusty, oily or dirty plates. Soft, low penetrating arc.
Pipe Fabrication Welding Wires
E71T8-K6 Optimum performance on vertical down, hot, fill and cap passes on standard cross-country
-207 pipelines and arctic grade pipe. Excellent crack resistance and CTOD and Charpy V-Notch
properties. Recommended API Pipe Grade X42 through X70.
Diameter Package Product
inches Weight Lbs. Number
5/64 56CT(14C) ED014464
5/64 25SSP ED030649
5/64 50C ED014459
3/32 50C ED012629
7/64 50C ED012632
7/64 600R ED012633
3/32 600D ED012628
5/64 56CT(14C) ED012739
5/64 50C ED012740
3/32 50C ED012736
.120 50C ED012732
3/32 600D ED012735
.120 600D ED012731
.068 56HS(14C) ED016312
5/64 56HS(14C) ED012438
Self-Shielded Flux-Cored Wires
Package Code Key: C = Coil CT = Cardboard Carton D = Speed Feed
Drum (wire) or Steel Drum (flux) HS = Hermetically Sealed Pail
R = Speed Feed
Reel SP = Plastic Spool SSP = Steel Spool VFB = Vacuum Sealed Foil Bag