• As a precautionary measure, always
carry a spare insulin delivery device,
and a Penfill
cartridge, in case your
InDuo™ doser is lost or damaged.
• Always prime your InDuo™ insulin
doser (see page 24 or 42) to ensure
insulin flow:
• Before each injection.
• After changing Penfill
• After changing the needle.
• After opening and closing the slide.
• When a Penfill
cartridge is in the
insulin doser, never press the push
button unless a needle is attached.
• To ensure delivery of your dose make
sure the push button is pressed
completely in and locked into place.
• The insulin doser display confirms
completed delivery when the
segments turn on two by two “ and
then the circle symbol § appears.
• Do not change the dose after you
have pressed the push button.
• Always make sure that the insulin
doser is inserted completely into the
meter cap, when not in use. This
shuts the power off.
• Your InDuo™ insulin doser is
designed to work accurately and
safely. The doser has built-in safety
features to help ensure that the
insulin dose injected is the dose that
has been dialed. In the unlikely event
of a malfunction, your InDuo™
insulin doser will lock to prevent you
from receiving a wrong dose.
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