sufficient blood for a test, rubbing the area more vigorously
or the brief application of heat may be helpful.
Position the sampler
Press and hold the sampler against the arm for a few seconds.
Press the release button.
Allow blood drop to form
Continue holding the sampler against the skin for a few
seconds until the blood drop forms. Allow enough blood to
form under the cap until you have a blood sample that is
sufficient to fill the confirmation window of the test strip.
If bruising occurs, you may choose to lance a fingertip
instead. If you are having difficulty obtaining blood from the
arm, call the InDuo™ Customer Care Line at 1 888 729-2299
for assistance. The blood sample must be at least 1 microlitre
in volume or you may get an Æ or possible inaccurate test
result. If you must massage the area to obtain more blood,
do not squeeze the site excessively.
Removing the lancet
• To remove the cap, twist it counter clockwise h.
• Optional: To replace the protective disk on the lancet, place
the disk on a hard surface and push the exposed tip into
the protective disk.
æ Always use caution when removing the lancet. Point the
lancet down and away. Push forward on the
ejection/cocking control and eject the lancet directly into
an appropriate container for sharp objects i. Used test
strips can go into the same container. Return the
ejection/cocking control to the middle position. Replace
the cap.
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