Getting a blood sample from the arm
The arm has fewer nerve endings than the fingertip so
you may
find that obtaining a blood sample from the arm
may be much less
painful than using the fingertip. The technique for obtaining a
blood drop from the arm is
different from fingertip sampling. Also
there are differences
between arm samples and fingertip samples
that you should understand. Please read “Important information
about arm testing” on the previous page carefully. Use the
Plus or UltraSoft
Blood Sampler to obtain a drop of
blood. When puncturing the arm, you may choose to set the
Plus or UltraSoft
Blood Sampler for a greater puncture
depth. Note - consult your healthcare professional before you
begin using the arm for testing. For more detailed information on
the test procedure, please read your test strip package insert and
this manual carefully.
Install the clear cap
To aid in obtaining a blood sample from the arm, replace the
regular sampler cap with the clear cap. If necessary, set the
sampler for a deeper puncture.
Wash your hands and the puncture site
Use warm, soapy water to wash your hands and the puncture
site. Rinse and dry thoroughly.
Choose the puncture site
Select a soft, fleshy area on your arm that is away from bone
and free of visible veins and excess hair.
Massage the area
To increase blood from the puncture site, massage the area
gently. For individuals who experience difficulty in getting
Actual size of
required blood
volume (rounded
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