Super Pro
Get on the grid iron while it is HOT! Feel the excitement as you march your team down
the field to victory and Defend! your end zone from the opponent scoring. You are the
Quarterback and Middle Linebacker rolled into one. Pass, Run & Tackle your way through
every quarter and on to victory!
1.The First Screen to appear is the name of the game.Press the“Start”Buttonto proceed to the Menu screen and enjoy the game!
2.Youare the HomeTeamand will beplayingagainst the system.
3.The playing field is regulation length (100 yardsplus two End Zones).However, youonly see a portionof the field (about20yards) when youare playing.
4.Each of the End Zones is marked by a“G”for“Goal Line”in the bottom front corner.If theOffensiveteam is able to cross the Goal Line they
will receive 7 points.
5. GameTime: Isdivided into (4)15 minute quarters,and is displayed before each play at the top of the screen (above far sideline).The clock will stop for
Time Outs,Out of Bounds,Incomplete Passes,After a Score, and eachChangeof Possession.
6. Once the player reaches their position a white marker indicating the line of scrimmage and black marker indicating the yardage needed for a first down
appear on the above the far side line.
7.Below the near sideline (at the bottom of the screen) is aplay-by– play description of the game.
8.The playerstake the field.There arefive players on each side.Theopposing Centers do not take active part in theoffensiveor defensive plays.
9.There isone player (“The Captain”)per teamthat you directly control usingthe Directional Disc.For the HomeTeam,this player is displayed in RED(the
other teammates are Orange). On theVisitingTeam,the captain is the Black player(the other teammatesare blue).The movements of the other playerson
yourteam are defined by how you set the play.
10.The offensive captain is the QUARTERBACK.The quarterbackreceives the ball from the center,andthen runs withit.
11.The Defensive Captain can pursue the ball carrier to make a tackle. DefensiveLineman and Backs can also tackle.
12.Before each hike of the ball each teams set their plays.