The contest is on! Create a maze and corner your opponent…before you are cornered yourself.
Split second reflexes keep your trail in motion while blocking your opponent in a trap from
which there is no escape. It’s a twisting tangle which only the swift can survive!
1.The First Screen willproject the name of the game.Press the“Start”Button and the Menu Screen willappear.
2.You will now need to determine 2settings (Number ofVariations& Rounds) before you can begin playing.
3.To choose the number of Variations, press the Directional Disc Left or Right (total of 4). Once you have determined the number of variations press the
“A”button.Follow the same stepsas above to determine thenumber of rounds (totalof 9).Now that you have finalized allof your settings Press the“A”
button to start thegame.
4.The only control you use in thedirection Disc.The Computer directs the RedTail.
5.After a gamefirst starts, the computer randomly selects the direction in which your trial starts to move.
6.YourTrial will notrespond ifyou try tochange directionto the exact opposite of your movement, since this would causeyou to have ahead-on collision
with yourself.
7.When atrial collides and iseliminated,other trials are awarded one point. Pointsare displayed along the bottom of the screen,inthe colorof the trials.
8.The 4 different variations are:
• You can only go straight
• You can go straight oron an angle,and pass through the anglebetween the two squares.
• There willbe some stones onthe screen,but you can only go straight.
• There willbe some stones onthe screen,but you can go straightor on an angle. Youare alsoable to pass through the angle betweenthe two squares.