Terror reigns under the ocean surface. It’s heavy traffic of Sharks, Nasty Fish, Seahorses,
Crabs, Lobsters & Jelly Fish. They swim fast, jerk up and down, lurk behind plants or slide
under coral reefs. They have weird shapes, striking colors, tiny or big sizes, and very mean
intentions.They eat or kill each other at first sight!
1.The First Screen willproject the name of the game.Press the“Start”Button to beginplaying.
Enjoy the game!
2. Under your control, a small fish will begin scoring points by quickly Gulping Smaller Fish and Nibbling at a Black Shark’s Tail. Watch for the
shark turning around on you a bittoo fast… or you’re dead. Never touch his head and fins! For gulping a few small fish,you will grow one size
Bigger. For killing one Shark, you’ll get one bonus small fish. You start with 5 small fish, and each is capable of growing to 4 times bigger.
When you reach each 1000 point interval your fish will grow 1 size greater,butwill notexceed 4 times its original size.
3.The“A”and“B”button will makethe fish swim faster.
4.Music will alertyou that a sharkis coming out
5.The Small fishwill kill the sharkwhen it hasbitten it about 5times. When thefish reaches maximum size (4 times bigger) it willonly take 3 times
to kill the shark.