Kill or be killed! Watch out in the dead of night for Spiders and Bats. Navigate the maze and hunt
down your enemy. If you need a place to hide go back to your bunker. Make sure your aim is
good and your target is in sight because you only have six bullets in your gun. Hunt or be hunted!
1.The First Screen will projectthe name of the game . Press the“Start”Buttonto begin playing. Enjoy the game!
2.The Game begins immediately with your man inside the center bunker. His loaded weapon is lying in the maze andis flashing.The man must leave the bunkerandrun
overthe weapon to pick it up.Once the man has picked up the weapon,he has six bullets and can shoot now.
3.There are twosafe places for the man to hide.The first is inside the bunker and the second is in the SpidersWeb.You cannot shoot when youare in theWeb.
4.Youstartoff with 5 men. After one man is shot the nextone appears inside the bunker.
5.In the game there are 3 different enemies:The Spider, Robot and the Bats.
6.Spider: A single menacingspider creeps throughout the maze,ready to bite theman whenever they come in contact. Once the manis bitten, he falls down, paralyzed
fora few seconds.When he’sdown,he cannot fire his weapon or run,He’svulnerable to a Robot attack.If youkill him you receive 200 points.
7. Bats:Two Bats,hanging upsidedown, awaken and fly their way through the pathways of the maze. Either bat can bite the man when they come in contact.Theman
falls downand is paralyzed the same as when bitten by the spider. He can not shoot or move.If youkill them they are each worth 100 points.
8.Robot:The man’smost persistent enemy in the maze is the Robot.All of the Robots can shootat yourman.They have unlimited ammunition.Their shots are the same
as the man’s.Whenthe man’sbullethits a Robot, the Robot explodes.Another Robot quicklyreplaces him.Robots always enter the maze at the lowerleft corner.
The three types of Robots come out at differentpoint totals:
• Robot“A”:0 – 5000 points
• Robot“B”:5000 – 10000 points
• Robot“C”:10000 points and above
Youwill receive the following points forshooting them
• Robot“A”: 300points each
• Robot“B”: 500points each
• Robot“C”: 1000points each
9.The game ends when all of yourmen have been killed and the words“GameOver”willcome on the screen.
Robot A Robot B Robot C