NOTE: The altimeter baro set units may be changed between inches, mil-
libars and hectopascals on the SET 12 page).
The AUX 7 page is used to determine density altitude.
To calculate the density altitude:
1. Turn on the cursor (B).
2. The pressure altitude (Prs) displayed will be either the last entered
pressure altitude on this page, or the last calculated pressure altitude
from the AUX 6 page. If you desire to change it, enter the current
pressure altitude to the nearest hundred feet or ten meters by using
the right inner knob (figure 5-73).
3. Use the right outer knob to move
the cursor to the first Temp:
field, and then use the right inner
and outer knobs to enter the out-
side air temperature (degrees
Celsius) (figure 5-74). The first
digit of the temperature is either
“0” if the temperature is above
zero or “-” if the temperature is
below zero. For maximum accu-
racy, the static air temperature
should be entered. This is the
temperature of air without the
effect of heating due to the aircraft’s movement through the air. For
the airspeeds of most piston aircraft, the difference between static air
temperature and the observed air temperature (or “total air tempera-
ture”) is negligible. The density altitude (Den) is now displayed.
NOTE: If a compatible air data system is interfaced to the KLN 94, the
AUX 21 page displays pressure and density altitude directly for the pre-
sent conditions.
Chapter 5 Intermediate Operation
Figure 5-73
Figure 5-74