• The signal strength (Sg) for each satellite is displayed next and indi-
cates the signal strength for each satellite in the range of 0 (zero) to
9 (nine). The higher the value the stronger the signal.
• The elevation (El) above the horizon for each satellite is provided in
the right column and will range from 5° to 90°.
• The local azimuth (Az) of the satellite relative to your present posi-
tion, referenced to true north (rather than magnetic north). For
example, in figure 5-57 satellite (SV) number 26 has an azimuth of
46° and is therefore northeast of you.
NOTE: The AUX 3 page predicts if and when RAIM (Receiver
Autonomous Integrity Monitoring) capability will be available when you are
ready to shoot a non-precision approach at your destination airport. If the
unit is configured for VFR use only the AUX 3 page will display No RAIM
Function In This Unit. See section 6.2.14 for more information on using
AUX 3 page.
The AUX 4 – AUX 11 pages are calculator pages used for trip planning
and calculation of a variety of flight-related information. They are conve-
nient both on the ground before you begin your flight, and in the air.
Data entered on any of the these pages has no effect on navigation data
provided on any Navigation (NAV) or Flight Plan (FPL) pages. You may
perform trip calculations without disturbing ongoing navigation.
NOTE: The AUX 4 – AUX 11 pages rely on pilot enterable inputs for
groundspeed, fuel flow, fuel reserve requirements, altitudes, temperature,
airspeed, etc. These pages do not utilize inputs from fuel flow or air data
The AUX 4 page allows you to do distance, bearing, time, and minimum
en route safe altitude (ESA) calculations that you might otherwise need a
chart, ruler, and pocket calculator for. The KLN 94 will perform these cal-
culations either from present position to waypoint, waypoint to waypoint,
or for one of your flight plans (active or stored).
Chapter 5 Intermediate Operation