
NOTE: There may be some difference (less than 100 feet) between the
indicated altitude and the aircraft’s actual altitude if the altitude input to the
KLN 94 is from an altitude encoder because these encoders only provide
altitude in 100 foot increments.
The identifier for the active waypoint (KDBQ) is automatically displayed on
the ALT 2 page. Prior to programming a VNAV operation, the top of the
page displays that the VNAV is inactive (Vnv Inactive).
2. The cursor should be on and over the selected altitude field on the
right side of line 2. If the cursor is not on, press B.
3. Enter the desired altitude of
1900 feet in the selected altitude
field, using the right inner knob.
The altitude may be entered in
100 foot or 10 meter increments
(figure 5-7).
NOTE: If the KLN 94 does not have an altitude input, the indicated alti-
tude field on the left side of line 2 will be preceded by a colon (:), indicating
that you should manually enter the aircraft’s present altitude, as well as
the desired altitude.
4. Use the right outer knob to move the cursor to the offset field adjacent
to the active waypoint identifier. Entering an offset allows you to reach
the desired altitude a specified distance before or after reaching the
waypoint. If you wished to reach a certain altitude 5 miles after pass-
ing a waypoint, you would enter +05. In this example you desire to
reach traffic pattern altitude two
nautical miles prior to the airport,
which allows sufficient time to
slow down and prepare for the
landing. Enter an offset of -02
NM (figure 5-8).
5. Use the right outer knob to move
the cursor to the groundspeed
(GS:) field. Use the right inner
knob to select your anticipated
groundspeed for the descent
(figure 5-9), remembering that it
may increase from your current
groundspeed when you start descending.
Notice that the bottom right corner of the ALT 2 page now displays a verti-
cal speed. If you wish to start your descent now using the displayed
Chapter 5 Intermediate Operation
Figure 5-7
Figure 5-8
Figure 5-9