DCP200 Profile Controller & Recorder - Product Manual
Page 54 Configuration & Use 51-52-25-150, Issue 1 – April 2009
Recorder Configuration Sub-Menu
Table 14. Data Recorder Configuration Sub-Menu Screens
No Recorder Warning
If the Recorder Configuration menu is entered on an instrument
without this option fitted.
Recording In Progress
If recording in progress when Recorder Configuration entered. –
Allows access to the Recording Start/Stop screen only, until the
recording is stopped.
Recorder Mode w
Choose Record Until Memory Used (Stop recording when full) or
Continuous FIFO (First In - First Out) - Caution: A FIFO recording
will overwrite all previous recordings in memory, starting with the
oldest data first. Download the previous data to USB memory stick
before selecting this option.
Recording Sample
A recording of the selected data will be taken once every Sample
Interval. From: Every 1; 2; 5; 10; 15; 30 Seconds, or Every 1; 2; 5;
10; 15; 30 Minutes. Note: Short intervals will reduce the maximum
possible duration of the recording.
Recorder Trigger w
The recording Start/Stop trigger method to be used. From: Operation
Mode selection; Recorder Menu selection; On Alarm(s); Digital Input
A or B state; or During Profiles.
Trigger On Alarms Any from: Alarm n – Where n is alarms 1 to 5. Any combination of
these can be set to trigger (TRG) or not (OFF). Any active alarm set
to TRG will start the instrument recording. Note: Recording will only
stop if all alarms selected as triggers become inactive.
Values To Record
Any from: Process Variable value; Maximum or Minimum PV (since
the previous sample was taken); Setpoint; Primary Power or
Secondary Power. Any combination of these can be set to Record
(REC) or not (OFF). Note: Recording more parameters will reduce
the maximum possible duration of the recording.
Alarms & System
Events To Record
Any from: Alarm n Status or Unit turned On/Off. Caution: An alarm
state change between samples is also recorded. This uses additional
recorder memory, which may cause the recording to end sooner than
Profiler Events To
Any from: Profiler Event n Status. Caution: A profile event state
change between samples is also recorded. This uses additional
recorder memory, which may cause the recording to end sooner than
Recorder Status
Shows if a recording is in progress; the recording mode; memory
usage per sample; memory remaining and the recording time
remaining. The time remaining is adjusted for any alarm/events that
have already occurred, but cannot allow for any future alarms/events