DCP200 Profile Controller & Recorder - Product Manual
51-52-25-150, Issue 1 – April 2009 Modbus Parameters Page 117
Creating Or Editing A Profile Header
Profile Start Signal Low Byte
Profile Start Time (Byte 4 - High)
Floating point number
Profile Start Time (Byte 3)
Profile Start Time (Byte 2)
Profile Start Time (Byte 1 - Low)
Profile Start Day High Byte 00
1 = Monday, 2 = Tuesday, 3 = Wednesday,
4 = Thursday, 5 = Friday, 6 = Saturday,
7 = Sunday, 8 = Monday to Friday,
9 = Monday to Saturday,
10 = Saturday And Sunday, 11= All Week
Profile Start Day Low Byte
Profile Starting Setpoint High 00
0 = Current Setpoint, 1 = Current Process
Variable Value
Profile Starting Setpoint Low
Profile Recovery High Byte 00
0 = Control to off, 1 = Restart profile,
2 = Maintain last profile setpoint
3 = Use controller setpoint, 4 = Continue
profile from where it was when power failed
Profile Recovery Low Byte
Profile Recovery Time (Byte 4 - high)
Floating point number
Profile Recovery Time (Byte 3)
Profile Recovery Time (Byte 2)
Profile Recovery Time (Byte 1 - Low)
Profile Abort action High Byte 00
0 = Control to off
1 = Maintain last profile setpoint
2 = Use controller setpoint
Profile Abort Action Low Byte
Profile Cycles High Byte
1 to 9999 or 10,000 for “Infinite”
Profile Cycles Low Byte
CRC High Byte
CRC Low Byte
The instrument replies to this message with an Edit Response Message.
Creating, Editing or Inserting Segments
Creating new segments is only possible when a new profile is being created (see above for
instruction for creating a profile at the next available position, or at a position that you
specify). An error is returned if the correct sequence is not followed.
The Insert Segment command is used to add segments to an existing profile (one that
already has an end segment). This inserts a new segment at the position specified.
The Edit Segment command is used to alter segments of an existing profile.
The segment number is in relation to the profile number, e.g. to edit or insert a segment at
position 3 of profile 1 the segment number will be 3, and to edit or insert a segment at
position 3 of profile 6 the segment number will also be 3.
Unit Address
The ID address of the instrument.
Function Code 23 17 Requires the multi read/write function.
Read Start Address High Byte 32 20
Read Start Address Low Byte 06 06