DCP200 Profile Controller & Recorder - Product Manual
Page 104 Modbus Parameters 51-52-25-150, Issue 1 – April 2009
Alarm parameters
Alarm 1 Type 6144 0x1800 R/W
0 Process High Alarm
1 Process Low Alarm
2 Deviation Alarm (SP-PV)
3 Band Alarm
4 Loop Alarm
5 Input/Sensor Break Alarm
6 Auxiliary Input A Break Alarm
7 Auxiliary Input B Break Alarm
Alarm 1 Value 6145 0x1801 R/W Limited by the input range maximum and minimum for
Alarm types 0 and 1. Limited by the input span for
alarm types 2 and 3. Not used for alarms 4 to 7.
Alarm 1 Hysteresis 6146 0x1802 R/W Limited by the input span
Alarm 1 Inhibit
6147 0x1803 R/W
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
Alarm 1 Status 6148 0x1804 RO
0 Inactive
1 Active
Alarm 1 Inhibit
6149 0x1805 RO
0 Not Inhibited
1 Inhibited
Alarm 2 Type 6160 0x1810 R/W
0 Process High Alarm
1 Process Low Alarm
2 Deviation Alarm (SP-PV)
3 Band Alarm
4 Loop Alarm
5 Input/Sensor Break Alarm
6 Auxiliary Input A Break Alarm
7 Auxiliary Input B Break Alarm
Alarm 2 Value 6161 0x1811 R/W Limited by the input range maximum and minimum for
Alarm types 0 and 1. Limited by the input span for
alarm types 2 and 3. Not used for alarms 4 to 7.
Alarm 2 Hysteresis 6162 0x1812 R/W Limited by the input span
Alarm 2 Inhibit
6163 0x1813 R/W
0 Disabled
1 Enabled
Alarm 2 Status 6164 0x1814 RO
0 Inactive
1 Active
Alarm 2 Inhibit
6165 0x1815 RO
0 Not Inhibited