Chapter 5 83
Options and Accessories
A number of accessories are available from Agilent Technologies to help you configure your
analyzer for your specific applications. They can be ordered through your local Agilent
Sales and Service Office and are listed below.
50 Ohm/75 Ohm Minimum Loss Pad
The HP/Agilent 11852B is a low VSWR minimum loss pad that allows you to make
measurements on 75 Ohm devices using an analyzer with a 50 Ohm input. It is effective
over a frequency range of dc to 2 GHz.
75 Ohm Matching Transformer
The HP/Agilent 11694A allows you to make measurements in 75 Ohm systems using an
analyzer with a 50 Ohm input. It is effective over a frequency range of 3 to 500 MHz.
AC Probe
The Agilent 85024A high frequency probe performs in-circuit measurements without
adversely loading the circuit under test. The probe has an input capacitance of 0.7 pF
shunted by 1 MOhm of resistance and operates over a frequency range of 300 kHz to
3 GHz. High probe sensitivity and low distortion levels allow measurements to be made
while taking advantage of the full dynamic range of the spectrum analyzer.
The Agilent 41800A low frequency probe has a low input capacitance and a frequency
range of 5 Hz to 500 MHz.
AC Probe (Low Frequency)
The Agilent 41800A low-frequency probe.
Input Capacitance: low
Frequency Range
: 5 Hz to 500 MHz
Broadband Preamplifiers and Power Amplifiers
Preamplifiers and power amplifiers can be used with your spectrum analyzer to enhance
measurements of very low-level signals.
• The Agilent 8447D preamplifier provides a minimum of 25 dB gain from 100 kHz to
1.3 GHz.
The Agilent 87405A preamplifier provides a minimum of 22 dB gain from 10 MHz to
3 GHz. (Power is supplied by the probe power output of the analyzer.)
The Agilent 83006A preamplifier provides a minimum of 26 dB gain from 10 MHz to
26.5 GHz.
• The Agilent 85905A CATV 75 ohm preamplifier provides a minimum of 18 dB gain from