Chapter 2 27
Front and Rear Panel Features
Front Panel Overview
parameters needed for making measurements.
6 MEASURE accesses a menu of keys that automate some common analyzer
measurements. Once a measurement is running,
Meas Setup accesses additional
menu keys for defining your measurement.
Meas Control and Restart access
additional measurement control functions.
7 SYSTEM functions affect the state of the entire analyzer.
Various setup and alignment routines are accessed with the
System key.
The green
Preset key resets the analyzer to a known state.
File key menu saves/loads setups, traces, states, limit-line tables,
screens, measurement results, and amplitude correction factors to or from
analyzer memory or the floppy disk drive. The
Save key immediately
executes the
Save Now function defined under File in your User’s guide.
Print Setup menu keys configure hardcopy outputs. The Print key
immediately sends hardcopy data to the printer. See your User’s guide for
more details.
8 MARKER functions control the markers, read out frequencies and amplitudes
along the analyzer trace, automatically locate the signals of highest amplitude,
and access functions like
Marker Noise and Band Power.
9 The Media Door on the right side of the front panel accesses the 3.5 inch disk
drive and the Earphone connector. The earphone connector provides a
connection for an earphone jack which bypasses the internal speaker.
10 The Data Control Keys, which include the step keys, knob, and numeric
keypad, change the numeric value of an active function such as center
frequency, start frequency, resolution bandwidth, and marker position.
The data controls will change the active function in a manner prescribed by
that function. For example, you can change center frequency in fine steps with
the knob, in discrete steps with the step keys, or to an exact (1 Hz resolution)
value with the numeric keypad.
The Knob provides fine incremental changes of functions such as center
frequency, reference level, and marker position. Clockwise rotation of the
knob increases values. The extent of alteration is determined by the size of
the measurement range. The speed at which the knob is turned affects the
rate at which the values are changed.
For slow sweeps, the analyzer uses a smooth panning feature which is
designed to move the trace display to the latest function value as the knob is
turned. When center, stop or, start frequency or reference level is adjusted,
the signal will shift right or left or up or down with the rotation of the knob
before a new sweep is actually taken. An asterisk is placed in the message
block (the upper right-hand corner of the analyzer display) to indicate that
the data on the screen does not reflect data at the current setting.
The Numeric Keypad allows entry of exact values for many of the analyzer
functions. You may include a decimal point in the number portion. If not, the
decimal point is placed at the end of the number.
Numeric entries must be terminated with a units key. When a numeric entry
is begun, the menu keys show the units key labels. The units keys change
depending on what the active function is. For example, the units keys for