76 Chapter 5
Options and Accessories
Component Level
Service Documentation
0BV Option 0BV provides a copy of the Agilent ESA/EMC
Spectrum Analyzers Component-Level Information. The
component-level information includes parts lists,
component-location diagrams, and schematic diagrams
for selected assemblies.
Delete Manual Set 0B0 Option 0B0 deletes copies of the User’s, Calibration,
Programmer’s, Specifications, Measurement guides.
Digital Signal
Processing and Fast
B7D Option B7D provides digital signal processing, fast ADC,
and a faster RMS detector. This option is required for
many of the mobile communication measurements in the
GSM and cdmaOne measurement personalities. Option
B7D must be ordered with Option B7E (RF
communications hardware) and Option 1D5 (high
stability frequency reference).
For A.07.00 firmware revisions and later, either this
option or Option AYX (Fast Digitized Time Domain
Sweeps) is required to perform the PowerStat
Complementary Cumulative Distribution Function
(PowerStat CCDF) for all radio standards.
Distance to Fault
Accessory Kit
B7K Option B7K includes the 86205A (RF bridge), 11636A
(power divider), 909A (coax termination), 11512A (coax
short), 8120-8687 (coax cable), in a padded case.
Distance to Fault
225 Option 225 performs a Fast Fourier Transform to
calculate the distance to a cable fault. This option must
be ordered with tracking generator (Option 1DN). This
measurement includes on-screen instructional dialog to
guide set up and calibration. Velocity factor and cable
loss can be user-defined or selected from several
different pre-defined cable types.
Enhanced Memory
B72 Option B72 provides 2 SIMMS which increases the
analyzer’s RAM to 32 MBytes and its flash or data
storage memory to 16 MBytes (10 MBytes of which are
available to the user for data storage and measurement
personalities). Note, this option is standard in analyzers
with prefixes of US4144 and MY4144 and above.
ESA to 89600 Series
Software Link Utility
231 Option 231 adds connectivity of an ESA analyzer to a
Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 based PC running
Agilent 89600 VSA software. The Agilent 89600 VSA
software is not included with this option, it is available