32 Chapter 2
Front and Rear Panel Features
Front Panel Overview
25 Trigger/Sweep
F - free-run trigger
L - line trigger
V - video trigger
E - external (front) trigger
T - TV trigger (Options BAA, B7B only)
B - RF burst trigger (Opt B7E only)
C - continuous sweep
S - single sweep
Trig, Sweep
26 Trace mode
W - clear write
M - maximum hold
m - minimum hold
V - view
S - store blank
1 - trace 1
2 - trace 2
2 - trace 3
27 Average Average On Off
VAvg indicates video average on. PAvg
indicates power average on.
28 Display line
Display Line On Off
29 Amplitude offset Ref Lvl Offst
30 Amplitude scale Scale Type Log Lin
a. A # in front of any display annotation indicates that the function is uncoupled. (Refer to
your User’s guide)
b. When the analyzer is set to the external mixer state (Option AYZ), item 6 changes to
display Ext Mix in place of Atten XdB. In addition, if Mixer Bias is on, a +I or
−I is
appended to Ext Mix.
c. When the (*) is displayed, it means that some or all trace data may not match the
annotation due to possible changes in analyzer settings.
d. AA indicates that auto alignment of all analyzer parameters, except the tracking
generator and FM demodulation options, will occur. AB indicates that auto alignment of
all analyzer functions except the RF section (and tracking generator and FM
demodulation options) will occur. No indicator will appear if auto alignment is off.
Table 2-1 Screen Annotation (Continued)
Item Description Associated Function Key