
Incremental backupFull backup
A restore takes more time because
of the number of media needed.
Enables simple and quick restore.Restore
Occupies less space in the IDB.Occupies more space in the IDB.IDB impact
Data Protector can also make incremental backups of online database applications.
These vary from application to application. On Sybase, for instance, this type of
backup is referred to as a transaction backup (a backup of transaction logs modified
since the last backup).
Note that the incremental backup concept is not related to the log level concept,
which defines the amount of information written to the IDB.
A number of additional backup types (such as direct backup, split mirror backup, snapshot
backup, and data mover backup) are available with Data Protector application
integrations. For more information, see the respective
HP Data Protector integration
for more information.
Full backups
Full backups always back up all selected objects, even if there are no changes since
the previous backup.
Synthetic backup
Synthetic backup is an advanced backup solution that eliminates the need to run
regular full backups. Instead, incremental backups are run, and subsequently merged
with the full backup into a new, synthetic full backup. For more information, see
Chapter 11 on page 257.
Incremental backups
Incremental backups back up changes from a previous still protected (full or
incremental) backup. A full backup of an object (with identical client name, mount
point, and description) must exist before an incremental backup of this object is
Planning your backup strategy92