
MMDB size and growth
The MMDB does not grow very big in size. The largest portion of the MMDB is
typically occupied by information about the Data Protector media. Space consumption
is in the range of 30 MB. Ffor more details , see IDB size estimation on page 203.
MMDB location
The MMDB is located in the following directory:
On Windows Server 2008:
On other Windows systems: Data_Protector_home\db40\datafiles\mmdb
On UNIX systems: /var/opt/omni/server/db40/datafiles/mmdb
Catalog Database (CDB)
CDB records
The Catalog Database stores information about the following:
Backup, restore, copy, object consolidation, and media management sessions.
This is a copy of the information sent to the Data Protector Monitor window.
Backed up objects, their versions, and object copies.
Positions of backed up objects on media. For each backed up object, Data
Protector stores information about the media and data segments used for the
backup. The same is done for object copies and object mirrors.
Pathnames of backed up files (filenames) together with client system names.
Filenames are stored only once per client system. The filenames created between
backups are added to the CDB.
Filename size and growth
The biggest and fastest growing part of the CDB is the filenames part. It typically
occupies 20% of the entire database. The growth of the filenames part is proportional
to the growth and dynamics of the backup environment, and not to the number of
A file or directory on the HP-UX or Solaris Cell Manager occupies approximately
50-70 bytes, and a file or directory on the Windows Cell Manager occupies 70-100
bytes in the IDB.
Filenames are stored in the fnames.dat file and in some other files, depending on
the filename length. The maximum size of each of these files is 2 GB. You are notified
Concepts guide 191