
creating cells
mixed environment, 66
UNIX environment, 64
Windows domains, 65
Windows workgroups, 66
Windows environment, 65
CRS, 220
daily maintenance
IDB operation, 196
hiding from other users, 76
visibility, 76
data encoding, 76
data encryption, 76
data protection, 310
Data Protector architecture
Cell Managers, 40
Data Protector features, 35
Data Protector GUI, 50
data encoding, 76
data files, 238
data protection, 99
Data Protector concepts
cells, 40
Data Protector Inet, 219
Data Protector services, 219 - 236
Data Protector Inet, 219
Data Protector architecture
cell, 40
client systems, 40
devices, 40
logical view, 41
physical view, 41
Data Protector concepts
Cell Managers, 40
clients, 40
devices, 40
Data Protector functionality, 35
Data Protector GUI
Data Protector Java GUI, 52
Data Protector Java GUI, 52
Data Protector operation, 219 - 236
Data Protector processes, 219 - 236
Cell Request Server, 220
Data Protector Inet, 219
Media Management Daemon, 220
Raima Database Server, 220
Data Protector services
Cell Request Server, 220
Media Management Daemon, 220
Raima Database Server, 220
Data Protector setup, 55
Data Protector user accounts, 74
Data Protector user groups, 75
Data Protector user interfaces, 42, 50
Data Protector user rights (definition),
Data Source Integration, 209
advantages, 187
architecture, 189
Catalog Database, 191
catalog protection, 188
Detail Catalog Binary Files, 192
growth and performance, 197
IDB management, 196
in the Manager-of-Managers
environment, 189
Media Management Database, 190
on the Windows Cell Manager, 188
operation, 194
Serverless Integrations Binary Files,
Session Messages Binary Files, 193
size and growth, 188
UNIX Cell Managers, 189
database growth and performance key
tunable parameters
catalog protection, 201
usage of logging level and catalog
protection, 201
Concepts guide 407