Service management measures and reports are a key tool IT managers can use to
demonstrate value delivered to the organization and also to maintain competitive
cost structures. Service providers use Service Level Agreements (SLAs), that typically
establish availability and performance objectives, to document provider-customer
contractual expectations.
Demonstrating SLA compliance requires constant monitoring and periodic reporting
to show whether SLA expectations have been met. Data Protector, out of the box has
monitoring, notification, and reporting tools to document backup and recovery
operations. Integration with other service management products consolidates service
views, service performance data, and other capabilities into one console, giving you
better information and insight into overall IT service delivery.
Data Protector provides IT service managers with key data to enable operative
monitoring and planning of backup and data recovery operations. This data can be
used in service availability and recovery planning activities that are key if service
agreements are to be adhered to. In addition, Data Protector information can be
used to implement cost management and chargeback models for true IT financial
Data Protector and service management
Data Protector provides service management supports and can be integrated with
service management applications, such as Operations Manager Windows,
Performance Agent (formerly MeasureWare Agent), Reporter, and Service Information
Data Protector service management falls into two categories: native (or out-of-the-box)
and application integrations. The items in each category are described in more detail
later in this chapter.
Service management206