
Configuration Guide
GE Energy Services
Restricted A164-0CG-1.00-2
This process will not start. The associated functionality of this process will not be available:
A164-D-00: The Event process reports all events to WIN.
A164-M-00: The Command process receives and interprets WIN command requests.
A164-C-00: The Communication process transmits and receives all messages for a
single communication port.
A164-P-00: The Poller process initiates all polling for al single communication port.
Call the Customer Service department and report this error.
A.3 Warning Messages
This section describes the warning messages the BECO2200 DCA may log to the WESMAINT
Error Log. The warnings are divided into two groups: pSOS Interface Warnings and WIN
Interface Warnings. If you find any of these messages in the WESMAINT Error Log, contact the
Customer Service Department and report the message.
Expressions in angular brackets like “<x>”, are filled with the appropriate values by the
pSOS Interface Warnings
The BECO2200 DCA uses a number of message exchanges and signals for inter-process
communications. If a process is unable to send or receive a message or a signal, the functionality
of the BECO2200 DCA may be compromised. pSOS exchange warnings are numbered from
W500 through W599.
W500: Error <x> on send_x to A164-D-00
W501: Error <x> on send_x to A164-C-<y>
W502: Error <x> on jam_x to A164-C-<y>
W503: Error <x> on wait_v from A164-C-<y>
W504: Error <x> signaling back response
W505: Error <x> on req_x
WIN Interface Warnings
During run-time, the BECO2200 DCA interfaces to the WESDAC Interface Node (WIN) by
writing various commands. If any of these writes fail, the command can not be passed to other
applications in the system. WIN interface warnings are numbered from W600 through W699.
W600: Error <x> on win read
W601: Error <x> on ACK/NACK win write
W602: Error <x> on DATA UPDATED CMD win write
W603: Error <x> on TIME SYNC win write
W604: Error <x> on WES<y> REST_COMM win write
W605: Error <x> on WES<y> LOSS_COMM win write
W606: Error <x> on WES<y> ON_LINE win write
W607: Error <x> on WES<y> OFF_LINE win write